Information about us

SOFTELECTRONIC 1 LTD is a company registered in the Commercial Register of the Registry Agency with UIC: 201290398, with headquarters and address of management: Varna, 38 Georgi Zhivkov str., phone: 0879563263; e-mail:

Contact information for SOFTELECTRONIC 1, regarding the protection of the personal data of our clients:

SOFTELECTRONIC 1 LTD Varna, bul. Yan Hunyadi 6

Our main concern in dealing with personal data

SOFFTELECTRONIC 1 LTD processes your personal data in order to provide you with a quality service.


The security of the data you entrust to us is very important to us. Therefore, we protect your data with all technical and organizational means available to us to prevent unauthorized access, unauthorized or malicious use, loss or premature deletion of data.


We collect and process personal data only under the conditions of local and European law. We understand that the processing of your data happens for a reason and is not possible without limitation.


The aim of this privacy policy is to explain to you how and why we process your personal information.


How and why we use your personal information

We process your personal data in order to provide the goods and services requested and used by you and to fulfill the contractual obligations.


The processing of data is done with the purpose of:

  • managing and executing your requests for goods or services, arranging contracts for goods and services;

  • concluding a contract closure;

  • generating and dispatching of a sales or invoice receipt for the goods and / or services you receive from us;

  • ensuring the necessary service for you, as well as to collect the amounts due for the goods and services supplied;

  • using notifications for everything related to the goods and services we provide you with, the sending of various notifications, notification of problems, errors or answers to inquiries, complaints, suggestions submitted by you;

  • implementation of warranty;


To carry out regulatory obligations

We process your personal data in order to fulfill the obligations provided for in legal ordinances, such as:


  • providing information to the Commission for the protection of consumers or third parties under the Consumer Protection Act;
  • providing information to the Data Protection Commission in relation to the obligations under the Personal Data Protection legislation - Data Protection Act, Regulation (EC) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, etc .;

  • obligations laid down in the Accounting Act and in the Tax and Social Security Regulations and other related normative laws relating to the conduct of correct and lawful accounting;

  • providing information to the court and to third parties in proceedings before a court in accordance with the requirements of the procedural and substantive regulations applicable to the proceedings;


After your approval

We process your personal data only after prior oral or written consent.

Basic personal information include name, telephone number, address and your personal identification number (ID number).


Which of your data we process:

Identification data:

  • the full name, standardized civilian number or personal number of a foreigner, permanent address;

  • personal contact details - contact address, telephone number and contact information (e-mail, telephone number);

  • video footage taken to improve security;


How do we protect your personal information?

In order to ensure adequate data protection for the company and its customers, we apply all the necessary organizational and technical measures provided for in the Data Protection Act.


When do we delete your personal information?


In general, we stop using your personal information after we have used it for the purpose associated with the contract, after the contract has ended or the goods or services we have used it for, but we do not delete it until all financial obligations are fullfliied and before the expiry of the statutory retention obligations, such as: obligations under the Accounting Act for the storage and processing of accounting data (11 years), expiry of the limitation period for the filing of applications (5 years) in debt and contract law, disclosure to the Court, competent state authorities, etc. (5 years) keep records of all complaints and claims for which this condition applies, and the answers to them for a period of 2 (two) years. Please note that we will not delete your personal information if it is necessary for us to settle any pending litigation or administrative proceeding or any process for reviewing your complaint.


When and why do we share personal information with third parties


We share your personal information with third parties with the primary objective of providing you with a high quality, fast and extensive service, by ensuring that the goods and services we offer you meet your expectations. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties before we make sure, that all technical and organizational measures have been taken to protect that data, by conducting rigorous controls to achieve this goal. In this case we remain responsible for the confidentiality and security of your data.

We provide personal data to the following categories of recipients (data controllers):


Individuals processing data on behalf of SOFTELECTRONIC 1:

  • postal companies for the purpose of sending consignments containing documents, goods and repaired parts and the need for identity confirmation upon delivery;

  • facilities, institutions and persons to whom we must provide personal information in accordance with current laws and regulations;

  • banks, as financial providers, where payments have been made by you;

  • security companies licensed to perform private security activities related to the processing of video recordings of SOFTELECTRONIC 1 GmbH locations.;


Individuals, who process data in their own name

  • competent authorities authorized by ordinance to request information, including personal data such as courts, prosecutors, various regulatory authorities such as the Consumer Protection Commission, prerogatives to protect national security and public order;


Your rights regarding the processing of your personal information

Right to information:

You have the right to request information from us as to whether and to what extent we process your personal information.


Right to rectification:

In the event that we process incomplete or incorrect data, you have the right to request that we correct or complete the data at any time.


Right to delete:

You may request the deletion of personal data relating to you if we process this data without legal basis. Please note that there may be reasons why deletion of the data can not be done immediately due to a regulatory provision on data retention.


Right to a complaint or legal action:

If you believe that we are in violation of the applicable legal framework, please contact us to clarify the matter. Of course, you have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Commission.


Competent authorities for the protection of personal data:

Data Protection Commission, Sofia, 1592, Boulevard "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov" 2, Phone: + 3592 / 91-53-518, E-Mail:


Requests for the exercise of rights are filed in person or by a person expressly authorized by you by notarial power of attorney. An application may also be made by electronic means in accordance with the notification procedure and the submission of an electronic document in accordance with the applicable legislation. The application should contain:

  1. name, address and other data identifying the person concerned;

  2. description of the application;

  3. preferred form of communication and measures under Articles 15-22 of Regulation (EC) 2016/679; (d) signature, date of submission of application and address for correspondence;

  4. when submitting an application by an authorized person, the corresponding authorization must be attached to the application;


Notification of violations of personal data security

If there is a likelihood that the breach of the security of your personal information will put your rights and freedoms at risk, SOFTELECTRONIC 1 will send you a notification of a security breach.

Individual notification requires undue effort. In such a case, we make a public announcement or take another similar action so that you can be informed equally.


  • we have taken reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information that is affected by the breach;

  • as a result, we have taken measures that guarantee that the likelihood of a high level of risk to your rights and freedoms ceases to exist;


Topicality and policy changes

In order to apply the most up-to-date precautions and comply with applicable laws, we will update this Privacy Policy periodically. If the changes we make are material, we may post a message about the changes on our website. We encourage you to periodically review the latest version of this Privacy Policy to keep up to date on how we care about protecting the personal information we collect.


This Privacy Policy was last updated on 25.05.2018.