The way we work at Softelectronic

Not our values ​​are changing, the environment in which we work is changing. To be successful in the long run, we need to declare and preserve our values. Our identity and reputation are based on a stable value system and ethical principles. Our values ​​include passion, innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, the pursuit of perfection and responsibility. Our ethical principles are tolerance, respect, integrity, courage and transparency.



Our leadership strategy is based on continuous investment in our innovative elaborations and development. We attach great importance to honesty and transparency, we do our business with integrity. We build strong and lasting relationships with our customers and partners based on trust and mutual interest. We respect existing businesses in our business sphere, including our competition.



We strive to turn Softelectronic into a dream job. We realize that our greatest assets are our employees. They have the right to a safe and healthy working environment: one that recognizes personal talent and merit, that values ​​diversity, respects personal space and takes into account the balance between work and private life. We believe in offering our employees a stimulating environment, exciting personal prospects and the chance to be different. We encourage an atmosphere of openness, courage, generosity and respect, so that all our employees feel free to express their questions, suggestions, ideas and concerns. We expect all employees and structures to work together in a respectful and open manner. Teamwork is encouraged, successes and failures have to be shared. We should all strive to respect foreign ideas and acknowledge the contribution of others. In doing so, we will maintain a culture of loyalty, trust, solidarity and respect.



The safety and quality of the products and services we offer are of paramount importance. The exceptionally performance, quality and safety are the elements, which demonstrate our dedication and respect to our customers and partners and maintain their trust in us.


Confidential information. Information is valuable. Unauthorized disclosure of inside information may result in loss or damage to Softelectronic. We all need to be aware of insider information by strictly following the company's rules of confidentiality. We should not discuss or work with confidential information in public places where conversations can be heard or data can be compromised. It is true that confidentiality is becoming increasingly difficult to secure in the technological world, but that makes it even more important.



Representation of the company. The reputation of Softelectronic depends on everyone together and every single one individually.

We should:

  • be working in such a way, that we take the interests of Softelectronic into account

  • demonstrate the ethical principles of the company through our own professional behavior and language

  • identify ourselves as employees of Softelectronic, while using social media as part of our professional activity


We should not:

  • comment orally or in writing, or engage in any other way on behalf of Softelectronic, unless we are duly authorized to do so

  • take oral or written statements on issues that are beyond our personal competence

  • use the name of the company in e-mails to express personal concerns or to use it for personal business


Privacy and protection of personal information. We all have the right to privacy. Softelectronic respects the confidentiality of the personal information of all its employees, customers and business partners.


We should:

  • ensure, that the people from whom we collect personal information are well informed of what kind of information we collect, how we use it and how to contact us in case of any questions connected to the issue

  • only collect personal information, which is needed

  • we should destroy or correct incorrect or incomplete data

  • make sure, that this data is stored in a safe place

  • ensure that third parties to whom we entrust the collection or use of personal information comply with these principles

  • respect the privacy of our colleagues


We should not:

  • collect "personal" information without the consent of the affected subjects

  • retain such information for any longer than is necessary for the official business reason, on which grounds they have been obtained

  • review or store any personal information, unless we have the necessary permits and clear business need for such information


Use of company resources. The company's resources are designed to help the employees and the goals of Softelectronic. Improperly used or wasted resources of the enterprise, including the working time of coworkers, concern us all and affect the operational and financial results. We need to value and protect the assets of the company. We should ensure that they are not lost, damaged, misused, improperly used, wasted, exchanged with, sold to, or donated to others without permission.


Health and safety. We all, who we work for Softelectronic have the right to a healthy and safe working environment. Safety at work depends on us all.


We should:

  • take all reasonable precautions to maintain a safe and healthy working environment

  • make sure, that we do not put ourselves or others at risk with our actions

  • make sure, that we know what to do, in case an emergency occurs at the workplace


How should the Code of conduct be applied?

In fulfilling our duties as a company and as individuals, it is a fundamental rule, that we always comply with laws and regulations. We recognize that some situations are not easy. Ethics is often about solving a conflict of principles. Of course, no document can predict or respond to any situation that might arise. So if you come across such a situation, ask yourself the following questions:


  1. Does it comply with the code of conduct?

  2. Is it legal?

  3. Does it comply with our ethical principles, like integrity, respect and transparency?

  4. How do my actions affect other people involved and can I justify my decision?


If the answer to any of these questions is "no" or if you have doubts, the golden rule is to consult with relevant people of your management and openly address the issue.


The Code of Conduct does not replace existing policies and you must continue to comply with all common standards in your workplace. This Code aims to provide the framework for these rules and standards to make them easier to understand.